Aleksandr Kovaliov Donations

Aleksandr Kovaliov was transported to Lithuania!

May 9, 2011
Great news! Aleksandr Kovaliov was transported to Lithuania at the end of last week. He is in Visaginas hospital right now. All the money donated will be used for his treatment. Aleksandr's family wants to thank each of you who provided any kind of help. Thank you very much!

Александр Ковалев был перевезен в Литву к конце прошлой недели. Сейчас он находится в Висагинской больнице. Все собранные средства пойдут на его лечение. Семья Ковалевых благодарит каждого, кто оказал помощь и поддержку. Огромное спасибо!


Lithuanian donation account

April 18, 2011
Aleksandr's mother Tatjana Kovaliova opened Lithuanian donation account. If you experienced problems with PayPal you can transfer to her LT account. All the information was added to the website. Thank you for help!

Татьяна Ковалева, мама Александра, открыла благотворительный счет в Литовском банке. Если у вас были проблемы с PayPal, то теперь можно перевести деньги на Ли...
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April 18, 2011 update

April 18, 2011
Thank you all who donated! Aleksandr's family has already raised about $7000. Aleksandr's condition has not changed and he is still in a vegetative state. The plans about his transportation has not been made yet because of the high transportation costs (about $86000 for Miami-Lithuania transportation in a medical plane). Aleksandr's family is trying to find charity organizations that can help with the transportation. Please share the link to this website with your friends. Aleksandr's family ...
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